Timberpedia - Wych Elm

Wych Elm

Latin Name:Irish Name:Native to Ireland?
Ulmus glabraLeamhanYes

About the Tree

A true native of Ireland, having colonised the country before it’s separation from Britain and otherlands. There are no suckers, and the seeds are fertile.

Large deciduous tree. Susceptible to Dutch Elm disease and accordingly not planted any more.

Leaves once used for livestock.

About the Wood

The timber has a green streak.

The stem has fewer branches than the English Elm, while the wood is lighter, yellower, straighter
and finer in grain. The wood is tough and fitted for bending. It as been used by coach makers for
the naves, poles and shafts of gigs and carriages and by shipwrights for jolly boats. It has also
been used for dyers’ and printers’ rollers.

Strong and supple pale brown wood. Prone to shake. Cannot be split leading to particular uses.
Does not decay when immersed in water.

Used to be used to make chests, water pipes and troughs and for sea defenses. Also for sections
for cow sheds, cribs and mangers, hubs of wheels, coffins and furniture.

Good suitability for woodcarving. Straight grained pieces carve well, but pieces with twisted grain
are difficult.

Wych Elm in Bloom - geograph.org.uk - 1277831 Wych Elm in April bloom
Wych elm wood grain Untreated wood grain of wych elm
Elm seeds Wych elm foliage and samarae
About the TimberPedia

Know your wood! The Timberpedia is a broad resource that aims to catalogue all the major tree species in Ireland, containing information that we’ve gathered from over two decades maintaining our natural woodland and serving Ireland’s woodworking industry.

All written material is copyright © 2021 by the Lisnavagh Timber Project.